Blood Pressure

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High blood preassure (pypertension) is one of the most prevalent, chronic medical conditions in the U.S. today. Around 30 million people have blood pressure readings above the accepted normal range of 140/90. When left unchecked by medication or lifestyle changes, high blood pressure will continue increasing over several years, until it causes stroke, heart attack, and possibly death.

What makes early detection so important for hypertension is there usually are no outward symptoms that you might have high blood pressure. Although as many as 60 percent of obese people have hypertension, it can easily strike thin people. If you have someone in your family who suffered from hypertension, you are also a candidate for the condition.

Keep On Top of It The best way to avoid serious high blood pressure problems is to get your pressure checked regularly. Go to the clinic and have a nurse check it, or attend health firs, where professionals check your blood pressure for free. If you know you have hypertension, it pays to invest in a blood pressure cuff for your own use. This way you can check your pressure daily and see how your lifestyle affects your blood pressure.

Drugs Will Do It Hypertension is easily correctable with medication, but many physicians prefer to try lifestyle changes to control mild hypertension. If you have hypertension or a history of high blood pressure in your family, exercise and changes in your diet can lower your blood pressure significantly.

Walk Away From Your Problem One of the best kinds of exercise for hypertensive patients is walking, because you get to strengthen muscles and relieve stress without putting large amounts of strain on your body. If you want to try more active forms of exercise, opt for aerobic exercises. Avoid weight lifting and other isometric exercises, because these cause a temporary, dramatic rise in your blood pressure.

You MUST lose Weight You can also watch your weight. If you are heavier than you should be, combine exercise with good eating habits and take some of the extra weight off. Eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables and other lowfat, low cholesterol fodds, and decrease your salt intake, Some hypertensive people are salt sensitive, and five grams of salt per day is about all they can handle.
