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Acne is a general term for skin blemishes such as pimples, white heads and black heads. They occur when the sebaceous glands at the base of each of your hair follicles get clogged. Normally, the sebaceous glands produce oils which keep your skin supple. But when the gland stars overproducing, the extra oils attract debris and bacteria, and the hair follicle gets infected. Usually, when you think of the word acne, a picture of someone with a badly scarred face comes to mind. But such scarring usually occurs in only the worst cases. Milder cases of acne may have a couple of pimples on the chin, and a few black heads around the base of the nose.

A Fast Herbal Remedy Go to your health food store or horologist and ask for something called Bue Sag. With this herb, make the following decoction: 1 teaspoon of the dried her into 1 cup of water, and simmer for 10 minutes; drink 3 times a day. This will detoxify your system and clear up acne.

Try This Super Skink Diet For Fantastic Skin More than anything, it’s your diet that makes your skin what it is – oily and pimply or smooth and supple. Dermatologists say the following are “super foods” when it come to skin care. Eat a lot of these consistently, and you WILL see improvement of your skin.

Strawberries: A rich source of vitamin C, the vitamin critical to the formation of collage, which is key element of the connective tissue that keeps skin firm. Vitamic C also helps prevent the tiny capillaries beneath the skin’s surface from breaking and promotes healing of wounds. One cup of strawberries provides over 125% of recommended dietary allowances of vitamin C. They also contain healthy amounts of potassium, which helps regulate the body’s water balance. Finally, strawberries contain are loaded with iron and fiber.

Parsley: This little sprig, which most consider a mere decoration for the plate, is easily the most underrated, if not unknown, healthy skin foods. Each sprig of parsley contains folic acid, which helps keep skin tone vibrant. Folic acid plays a key role in the formation of health red blood cells. In fact, a pale, sallow complexion is a signs of folic acid defiance anemia. A half cup of parsley delivers your entire daily need for folic acid along with a substantial helping of vitamin C. Parsley is too bitter to eat on its own, but you can sprinkle it in you salad or belndit into your health drinks to gain its benefits.

Chicken: low-calorie skin-rich proteins Low-fat, white chicken meat gives you a complete array of amino acids which fuel the growth of fresh new skin cells. Chicken also has niacin, the B vitamin that helps all cells obtain the energy they need to stay healthy. Just a 3-ounce serving of chicken provides half your daily need for niacin.

Papaya: Papaya is loaded with an essential skin element: vitamin A.A medium size papaya contain 6, 122 IU’s of vitamin A, which is one of the vitamins that most directly contribute to keeping skin’s texture youthful. It also helps your skin fight of infections. Papaya’s have the additional advantage of being rich in vitamin C, potassium, and bone-strenghthening calcium. Finally, they are low calorie.

Oats: Few foods are better for you and your skin than whole oats. The grain gives you two kind of fiber – insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber keeps you regular and soluble fiber helps stabilize your blood-sugar level. Imbalances in blood sugar show up on your skin. Oats keep you on an even keep and keeps nutrition flowing to your skin at all times.

Tomato: Rich in vitamin C an A, tomatoes can only be nothing but good for your skin. They also contain high amounts of niacin and fiber – both skin friendly attributes.

Oysters: Delicious oysters contain a super vital skin nutrient – zinc. Seven will supply you with held of your recommended daily allowance of zinc. Zinc helps skin three ways:
  • It delivers vitamin A to skin tissue
  • It rids your skin of carbon dioxide
  • It helps protein synthesis for skin-cell renewal

Too little zinc in your diet can actually cause your skin to dry and become scaly and red. Additional, eating oysters gives you copper, essential for the formation of healthy red blood cells that nourish skin.

