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Quantity and size:
Borax is a salt. That’s found in to different kinds. Madani and Atificial Madan borar comes from Tibbet and Mippaal and artificial Salt made by Sigg, and Bora Armani.

Warm 8 dry level 3rd

Killer of Jerms Jali wacal Hazim, Kasar Rayah, Manfas-o-Madur Bobo-Haiz

It is used in medicines that’s used in stomach disese. Borar is used on wounded and injured places. It removes zashes. It is useful for leeth. Harmful symptonos appcars when used in much quantity.

Special benefit:
Qatah baye bavaseer, Kasar Rayah

Direction for use:
First of all it fried and then it joind. At the time of need 125 m gram one or two used in a day.