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            Liquorice is the name of root os sosan. Sosan is spread on earth and attached with it.
Its long roots are lying in earth. Fresh root is available in long pieces, which has circle bodg. Clean from outer and reddish from inner with juice after feeling it is used, with peels it caused vomiting and motions.
Born Pleases:
Hindustan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkestan, Arabia, England and south European countries.
warm, Ory, level 1st
Special Actions:
It can be used in cough, Zaiqun-Nafac, Sadarvaoa, Rabn, Harmful for kidney.
Badal: Kateera,
Quantity of Dose from 3gr to 7gr.
More Investigation chemical Research shows clasraisisan is founded in liquorice. Beside this shaker, Angrooi, Reel nishaista and Acid also fouded.
Famous Compound:

  1. Javarish Liuorice
  2. Sharbit-e-Ajaz
  3. Laooq Sapstan

Extract of Liquorice:
Its available in bazaa in thick long pieces. The means centre of its. Preparation is Spain the method of its preparation is much ancient. Jalisoos was prepared like this. Enttact of liquoric is more useful than liquorice.
Colour           :           Black
Taste              :           Sweet
Behaviour     :           Dry, warm level 2nd
It is useful for cough.
It is hopeful for kidney.
Maslaak kaler and Gul Surkh
Badal: Liquorice or kateer
Quanitity of Dos:
1 gr to 2 gr.
Ext Berberis
There are two kinds of Ext Berberis. First, Hafz Makki Second Hafz Hindi and its more useful. Benefits of both are equal.
Hafz Makki.
We get this foom a tree. Its height is about 3 metre. Its leaves looks like the leaves of Shamshad. Its fruits looks like paper colour Redelish, Taste bitter.
 The real Exp berberis is black and red foom outer when it mined with weter it looks like blood, Bitter in taste. The fice burnt more with it. Better end betteris bouns when it place on five.