Progeny Lessens

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This also being common in us society. In males we will discuse farst. In males blind use of sex is the main cause of this bad luck. Anti sexual and homocexual activities cause all this. Because of blind sexual into converse of man achces the germs of gnarhoex and syphilis before martial the spasms dies with attack up these disease. And a male can be unable to produce or belong. In the second way impotency will be the factor and small penis in the third oftenand the male will be unable to produce progenry after intercourse.
And in females ahsencs of avery and eggs is the small reason. The second reason is turned scterus. Some little and major infaction can also be the reason in females and pregnancy can not take place. So in the early soags on males and female if the cure is started pregnancy can take place. If infraction is cure in this stage.